The Jury 2024

Jacek Sykulski (Poland)

A composer and a conductor. He graduated from the Academy of Music in Poznan, where he studied the clarinet and composition with prof. Florian Dąbrowski. Since 1996 he’s been a conductor and an artistic director of the Adam Mickiewicz University Choir. He also leads ”Nova Gaudia” ensemble, which is a unique mixed vocal octet at the University of Poznan. Since September 2003 he’s also a director of the Poznan Boys’ Choir and he’s achieved many international accomplishments with them.

Jacek’s music is performed by many well-known groups, such as Star-Scape Singers, Chicago a capella or Affabre Concinui.

He’s recorded for Polish Television, BBC Radio and SFB Radio. He’s received many awards as a composer and a conductor. He usually composes in order to express the essence of historical events through music.

Since the 80s he’s been cooperating with Polish Dominicans composing music for them, especially for the Dominicans in Poznan. He wrote a hymn of VI World Youth Day in Czestochowa (1991) – ”Abba Ojcze” (”Abba Father”). He supports youth meetings in Lednica and is an author of music sung by thousands of pilgrims, such as ”Wypłyń na głębie” (”Put out into the deep water”) and ”Podnieś mnie Jezus” (”Jesus, lift me up”).

He claims that working with choirs is his true passion. In his opinion human voice is a prime and most wonderful instrument, which sound can express more than the biggest symphony orchestra.


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